3 Free Stock Image Resources for your Brand!

June 27, 2022

As brands, we are always looking for more content to post on social media, use on our website, our next blog, flyers, marketing material and more.

However, there is only little time to produce content and we are left with nothing to use. Luckily, there are people and companies out there who do that for us, and they are called stock images!

Every business, big or small, uses stock images at some point during their campaigns. This could be costly down the line, specially for startups and small businesses.

That's why we have put together 3 of the best stock images resources for you to choose from!


Unsplash is our own favourite; with over 3 million high quality images to choose from.

These photos are usually taken by professional photographers, and the quality is raelly outstanding.

The website is completely free to use under the Unsplash license; however if you wish, you could give credit to the artist when you use their work (which would be nice).


Pexels is a great source of free stock images AND videos!

This gives you, as a brand, the opportunity to create more content and have more room for creativity.

The images and videos could be used on any platform under the Pexels license. This could include social media, wesbite, blog, app, and for marketing purposes.

Just like Unsplash, Pexels does not require you to give credits to the creator, however it's always appreciated!

We use Pexels all the time when looking for extra stock video footage, and the quality is amazing! Make sure you check them out.


Pixabay is another free stock photo platform which has over 2.5 million free images for you to choose from. Surely you won't run out of images to use.

They also have free illustrations, vectors, videos, music and sound effects. What more could you ask for?

A great platform with all you would as a brand to create your next campaign, social media post, or even email marketing poster.

We highly recommend Pixabay if you are looking for a variety of form of content.


As a creative agency ourselves who are constantly producing content; whether it be video produciton, photography, digital design, web design or anything creative, we use these platforms on a daily and could not survive without them.

Okay, that's a bit extreme, we probably could but life would be so much harder.

We wanted to make your life easier too, so we hope this was useful.

We use stock footage to create content for our clients in post producion, and it's astonishing how much it helps the process.

Going from an idea to craeting the final ad could be done in a single day and that is truly amazing!

If youa are looking to create your next campaign using stock or original footage, feel free to reach out and we would be glad to help.

Here are some ways you can reach us; through our website www.kyndacreative.com or email hello@kyndacreative.com



Pedram Farjam | Creative Director & Video Producer


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